
残疾事务办公室承认残疾是多样性的一个重要方面,并将残疾视为好客的机会, 股本, 以及社会公正. 我们致力于通过统一设计的环境确保包容和可持续的学习和参与,并为获取提供便利, 话语, 协作, 培训, 创新的编程.

Hardin-Simmons University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, 或基因信息在其程序和活动中. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 2008年的修正案, 以及1973年康复法案第504条, 任何有资格的人都不会被拒绝进入, 参与, or the benefits of any program or activity operated by the University because of a 残疾.


  • a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity,
  • 是否有此类损伤的记录或历史
  • 被认为有这样的缺陷.



  1. 注册. 被录取的HSU学生可通过以下方式申请残疾服务 向残疾服务办公室提交这份登记.
  2. 提交证明文件. 当前(过去三年内), or as an adult) and comprehensive documentation of the 残疾 must be provided with the registration. 有关学生残疾的信息是严格保密的,并按照大学政策以及州和联邦法律处理. Documentation presented to the Coordinator shall be reviewed to verify the existence of a 残疾. 澳门皇冠赌场平台保留要求任何合理必要的额外文件的权利,以确定适当和有效的住宿.
  3. 安排约会. 一旦所有必要的文件都提交了, the student and the Coordinator shall begin the interactive process to create an access plan. 这个过程可以亲自或通过电话进行, but is a required step in determining the best and most reasonable accommodations for the student. 如需安排预约或提出任何问题,请发电子邮件 残疾服务@quick-code.net.


电子邮件: 残疾服务@quick-code.net
传真: 325-670-5862
邮件: HSU盒16158, 阿比林,得克萨斯州,79698


提交住宿申请信. 符合条件的学生在寻求住宿时应 提交住宿申请信 在他们寻求住宿的学期内(最好是在长学期的前两周)尽快. A new request must be submitted at the beginning of each academic semester.

The Coordinator shall prepare letters to appropriate faculty members concerning specific, 为学生提供合理的学习便利. The Coordinator will contact the student when the letters are ready for pick-up.

The student is responsible for delivering accommodation letters and conferring with faculty members. 协调员应与学生和HSU教职员工协商,以确保提供适当的支持服务,并在需要时作为学生和教职员工之间的联络人.

在受伤事件中, 手术, 或其他有记录的短期残疾, 你可以申请合理的住宿 登记临时残疾服务.

服务的动物 根据《澳门皇冠赌场平台》(ADA)的定义,辅助动物被训练来执行一项或多项特定的任务,以造福残疾人. This animal is not a pet and unlike an ESA is allowed to accompany the student to all locations. 登记残障支援服务

情感支持动物 根据公平住房法的定义, 情感支持动物可能会提供身体上的帮助, 情感支持, 平静的, 稳定性和其他类型的支持. 这不是宠物, instead it is a tool used to support a student with mental or psychological disabilities. 然而, ESA只允许在学生指定的居住空间使用,不允许在班级或其他建筑物或公共空间使用,包括校园活动. Having a mental health 残疾 does not automatically qualify a student for an ESA accommodation. 学生必须证明该动物提供情感支持或其他帮助,以改善一种或多种心理健康残疾的症状或影响.

For more information, a check list, guidelines and polices on having an ESA, visit the 欧空局信息页. 要注册ESA一旦你读了清单, 请填写登记表.



  • Assistance in arranging course, classroom, and testing accommodations;
  • 协助与教师合作;
  • 校园无障碍和服务/资源信息;
  • 校园残疾意识教育;
  • 手语翻译服务;
  • Coordination of support 项目 and 服务 with other campus departments;
  • Consultation, counseling, and assistance in resolving problems related to Disability needs;
  • Information regarding and referral to a variety of campus and community resources;
  • Information regarding student organizations, activities, and support groups;
  • Information on study skills, test taking strategies, time man年龄ment, etc.;
  • 借出部分辅助器具;
  • 根据需要提供其他资源和支持.

住宿 are tailored to the individual rather than the 残疾, and are based on information contained in each student’s documentation. So students with the same type of 残疾 may receive different types of in-class accommodations.


  • 额外的时间用于课堂作业和考试, 除非速度是被测试的基本要素;
  • Alternative test location that provides a reduced distraction environment;
  • 优先安排座位;
  • 测试读者;
  • 测试抄写员;
  • 电子形式的图书;
  • 手语翻译;
  • 允许学生使用自己的辅助设备做笔记(如录音机或笔记本电脑);
  • 其他必要的合理安排.

残疾服务办公室致力于确保有关学生的所有信息在法律要求或允许的情况下保密. 提供给残疾服务办公室的信息被认为是保密的,没有学生的书面许可,不会透露给第三方.


根据美国残疾人协会, an individual with a 残疾 is defined as a person who: (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities; (2) has a record of such impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such impairment. 主要的生活活动包括但不限于走路, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 工作, 照顾好自己, 执行手工任务.

The ADA prohibits discrimination solely on the basis of 残疾 in employment, 公共服务, 和住宿. The person in consideration must be otherwise qualified for the job, program, or service.

ADA详细说明了管理需求, 申诉程序, and the consequences for non-compliance related to both 服务 and employment. 《澳门皇冠赌场平台》要求提供合理的, effective accommodations for eligible students across educational activities and settings.


1973年的康复法案第504条禁止在项目中基于残疾的歧视, 公营及私营, 接受联邦财政援助. Section 504 includes institutions regardless of whether they have open door, 有选择性的, 或者竞争性招生实践.

根据1964年《澳门皇冠赌场平台》第七章,残疾人享有同样的法律救济, 1991年修订. 因此, 受到歧视的个人可以向有关联邦机构投诉或向联邦法院起诉. Enforcement 年龄ncies encour年龄 informal mediation and voluntary compliance.


1990年的《澳门皇冠赌场平台》(ADA)和1973年的《澳门皇冠赌场平台》第504条旨在确保学院和大学在招聘时不受歧视, 入学, 以及学生的待遇.

在这两项法律的应用中, students with disabilities must be qualified to participate in University activities. 合格的残疾学生是指符合入学要求和项目或服务的基本资格要求的学生, 有或没有:

  • 修改:规则、政策或程序的修改;
  • removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers;
  • 提供辅助设备和服务.


The law requires higher education institutions to ensure that all 项目, 服务, or facilities are accessible to or usable by persons with disabilities. 法律不要求:

  • 在替代方案有效的情况下,使每个设施无障碍;
  • 改变:节目或服务的根本改变;
  • 不当的财政或行政负担.

The University is under no obligation to change academic requirements which the University, 项目, or majors can demonstrate are essential to the program of instruction or to any direct licensing requirement.

大学不需要提供个人服务员, 单独规定的设备, 读者个人使用或学习, 或其他个人性质的设备或服务, 例如家教或打字(美国民权办公室), 7月, 2002).

该机构必须提供辅助帮助,以确保学生参与大学课程和活动,并必须为合格的残疾学生的学术参与提供便利. 机构不得:

  • 限制接纳残疾学生的人数;
  • make pre-入学 inquiries as to whether or not an applicant has a 残疾;
  • use 入学 tests or criteria that inadequately measure the academic level of visually impaired, 听力受损, or otherwise disabled applicants because special provisions were not made for them;
  • exclude students with disabilities from any course of study solely on the basis of their 残疾;
  • counsel students with disabilities towards a more restrictive career than non-disabled students, unless such counsel is based on strict licensing or certification requirements in a profession;
  • measure student achievement using modes that adversely discriminate against students with disabilities;
  • 制定可能对残疾学生的表现产生不利影响的禁止性规定(例如禁止使用录音机或其他辅助设备);
  • select a site or a facility that would exclude participation of persons with disabilities.

The law does not require special treatment of students with disabilities, but does require that students be given the opportunity for equal 参与 the University’s 项目. 这是通过向符合条件和合格的学生提供适当的学术调整和必要的辅助帮助来实现的,以促进学生尽可能充分地参与大学的学术课程.


Students are notified of acceptance to Hardin-Simmons University by a letter from the Office of 招生.


入学条件, 参与, and completion of various majors and 项目 are available in the Undergraduate/Graduate catalog.

计划和课程要求不会被免除. 然而, 为残疾学生提供合理的课堂住宿,使其能够满足课程的公开要求.
